Anek is a political action thriller, a fierce undercover agent Joshua (Ayushmann Khurrana), is on a mission to unite the country. The film follows Joshua’s journey in a conflict- Anek is a political action thriller, a fierce undercover agent Joshua (Ayushmann Khurrana), is on a mission to unite the country. The film follows Joshua’s journey in a conflict-ridden region of Northeast India, where he’s posted to facilitate a Peace Accord with the largest militant group and its rebel leader - Tiger Sanga. As a part of his mission, Joshua tries to infiltrate a separatist group by befriending one of its member’s daughters, Aido. A ferocious boxer, Aido dreams of winning a gold medal for India. Even though she faces discrimination at every step, Aido continues to fight for a spot on the national team, hoping to be accepted as an Indian by making the country proud. Will Joshua triumph in his mission to unite the country? Will Aido get to prove her mettle? Anek is a heart-wrenching tale that examines what it means to be an INDIAN and what it takes to rise above the divides plaguing the country.详情
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